All Christians in your locality are together the local church
How to set up organic housechurch:
This is a merger of the ministry explained in our page 'Education: How To Connect Christians' and how to proceed from there to set up organic housechurches.
read our page Education: How To Connect Christians before you continue on this page.
ideally you should read the 5 books written by Frank Viola on ecclesiology and that means buying those 5 books offline or online as e-book or audiobook or to get them in a library or loan them from somebody. it makes sense to read them in the order listed below as that is the chronological order in which Frank Viola has written them. 4 of those books are listed on with links to order them. The Untold Story of the New Testament Church is the first of those 5 books but it will be revised by Frank Viola at a later date. Information to order this book is found on
1. The Untold Story of the New Testament Church (January 2005)
2. Pagan Christianity? Exploring the Roots of our Church Practises (Frank Viola & George Barna) (January 2008)
3. Reimagining Church: Pursuing the Dream of Organic Christianity (August 2008)
4. From Eternity To Here: Rediscovering The Ageless Purpose of God (March 2009)
5. Finding Organic Church: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Sustaining Authentic Christian Communities (September 2009)
Read the Jesus Trilogy written by Frank Viola and Leonard Sweet:
These 3 books are written with the purpose to help restore the supremacy and sovereignty of Jesus Christ above all else.
Jesus Manifesto (volume 1)
Jesus: A Theography (volume 2)
Jesus Speaks (volume 3)
Read Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom by Frank Viola. (links to order this book are found on this page)
How to set up a Kingdom Outpost:
Kingdom Outpost Testimonials:
These Kingdom Cells are not cell churches, housechurches or Bible study groups. On page 329-331 & 432 Frank Viola explains what a kingdom cell is and what to do in such a cell meeting.
Fourthly (last item)
Our slogan is 'all Christians in your locality are together the local church'. We don't seek to set up an organic housechurch in such a way that we gather people together who live in different parts of a city let alone a country. Our approach is to contact all the Christians door-to-door and then see if we can proceed to an organic housechurch as envisioned by Frank Viola. The answer is either yes or not then. If it is no, then we don't expand our ministry area but we simply accept that for this time and season the Christians are not interested in that locality. A locality is defined by an area with maximum 20 homes with Christians (interested plus not interested). If an organic church is not possible, we start all over again in a new area. With our definition of locality, there are millions of localities around the world.